
Klub Buku Online Bigthink

Klub Buku Online Bigthink adalah tempat para pecinta buku berkumpul untuk berbagi kecintaan mereka pada sastra. Di sini, Anda dapat menemukan komunitas yang ramah dan suportif untuk mendiskusikan buku favorit Anda, menemukan bacaan baru yang menarik, dan memperluas wawasan Anda.

Temukan komunitas pecinta buku

Terhubung dengan orang-orang yang memiliki minat yang sama dengan Anda dan ciptakan pertemanan baru yang bermakna.





To Infinity

By Emma Sophia

“To Infinity” adalah sebuah novel yang menggugah hati dan menginspirasi, mengisahkan perjalanan epik seorang pemuda bernama Alex dalam pencariannya akan makna sejati kehidupan. Dibesarkan dalam keluarga yang penuh kasih namun menghadapi tantangan ekonomi, Alex selalu bermimpi untuk menjelajahi dunia dan melampaui batas-batas yang ada.

Up Next


By Ana Pachket

Non Fiction


By Emma Sophia


Recent Reads

Say, Cheese

By Jane Shaw


Divi Builder

By Sal Brock



Bradly Maynor


To Infinity

By Ana Pachket


Blog Klub

Discounted tuition by major devalues the humanities (letter)

In response to Fidel Tavárez’s November 17 opinion piece, “Humanities Majors Should Pay Lower Tuition” and in support of Karen Spierling’s September 13 Letter to the Editor, “ ’Stop With the Academic Clickbaiting’ on the Humanities”: The argument for discounting...

Classroom Support – STORIES FROM SCHOOL AZ

“Can you come in and show me what it is supposed to look like?” (new ELA curriculum) – 4th-grade teacher “Sure thing, let’s set up some time together so I can come into your room and go through that with you.” – me, the new instructional coach. I have been in...

Why Allowing Students To Listen To Music Is A Bad Idea

More and more teachers are allowing students to listen to music in class. Perhaps not during direct instruction. But once students are let go to work independently, in go the earbuds. It’s odd to me, to be honest, that anyone would think this is okay. But the trend...

What are the tips for exercise and nutrition?

I am Albert Albie Aldahawi, better known as Albie. I am a professional wrestler. I recently had a documentary on National Australian Television entitled, “Where are you really from” that focused on my early life as a refugee and how I was able to turn my life around...

The U.S. Constitution Is a Global Constitution

Reading Time: 4 minutesMatt Kennedy is the Senior In-House Subject Matter Expert in World History at Cengage   The U.S. Constitution may be one of the most influential founding documents in modern history. To some degree, that’s thanks to the care with which the...

Benefits of having a good command of your English language 

Introduction: In today's globalized world, possessing a strong command of the English language is not just a valuable skill but a key to unlocking a plethora of opportunities. Whether you are a student, a professional, or an aspiring entrepreneur, having a firm grip...

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